Kids outdated

KIDS MINISTRY Change the world of someone who will change the world. N Fun Your kids will have a blast! N Safe Committed to keeping kids safe. N Clean Our rooms are kept spotless. Birth to 4 Years Old Your baby will experience personal care from our team. We keep our...

Next Steps

Next Steps Congratulations on deciding to take your next step. We are so excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your spiritual journey towards a life of freedom and fulfillment. Experience God Come to services at Grace For The Nations to learn what it...


Our Beliefs God We believe in one God who exist in three distinct equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the creator of the universe, never changing, eternal, all-powerful and unending in love. Genesis 1:1; Matthew 3:16-17; 1 John 5:7-8 Jesus Christ We...


Prayer Meeting Thursday at 6:30 PM Prayer is our way. We take time to gather on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays to pray together. Whether you are new to prayer, or a prayer veteran, this night is for you!  Get...


Brandon & Johna Sereg Lead Pastors Brandon and Johna came to Plantation with a vision to help as many people as they could live a better story than the one they are living now. They believe no matter where you are in life, God has a next step for you, and Vibrant...